Document Management & e-Signatures

Do you want to go paperless and create an instantly searchable digital library of all your safety & compliance project documents?

Eliminate the scanning and the archiving costs.Store all your documents in a centralized, searchable library and access them on any connected device!

With the SkillSignal app, ALL your forms, templates and critical documents are easily completed, e-signed and submitted on any connected device. The result? One centralized digital library where all submitted documents are automatically stored and searchable.


  • Complete pre-task plans (PTP), inspections, job hazard analysis (JHA), site observations, incident reports, safety logs, job huddles, and all other forms on your smart device’s screen. Watch our videos to see how easy it is!

  • Speech-to-text: no typing required anymore!
  • Easily add photos to any document.
  • E-signatures with date & time watermark.
  • 1 single project library that automatically stores all submitted documents in pdf format. Instantly search, download, share or analyze content.
  • Real-time submissions. Shared with authorized administrative users.
  • Use the integrated SkillSignal calendar to easily schedule actions: inspections, surveys

The future of safety is all-in-1 simplicity.

SAFETY TECH’S fastest growing platform

Selected as #1 by top ENR General Contractors. Loved by thousands of Trade Contractors across the US.